Publication Rules for author(s):                 

We accept texts in English, Portuguese or Spanish. We receive continuous flow manuscripts. This a semestral Journal with publications in April and October of each year. The manuscript must not have been published in another journal.

Please read the publication rules:

  1. Text/format: The article must comply with A4 format, specified in as well as the our template. The manuscript will be written in Times New Roman Font. Download the template;
  2. Number of pages: 5 minimum and 30 maximum;
  3. Title: Write the words in times new roman 14 bold.  All words in English.  It will be as enlightening and concise as possible;
  4. Abstract: Shall provide an abstract in English (mínimum 120 Words and no more than 250 words and Times New Roman 10 font). The abstract should be structured in accordance with the template format;
  5. Introduction: Will include the purpose or objective the research in time new roman 12 font;
  6. Methodology / Data collection: Write in Times New Roman 12 font and will include basic procedures (sample selection or cases, methods and techniques of experimentation, design, observations and analysis);
  7. Figures and Tables: Write in Times Nwe Roman 10 font
  8. Results: Give main findings (specific dates and their statistical results significance and more important main findings. Write in Times New Roman 12 font;
  9. Conclusions: The more important conclusions. Write in Times New Roman 12 font;
  10. References: Write in Times New Roman 12 font;
  11. The Template: This is ready. It is mandatory to use our template. Download the template.

NOTE: The title and abstract is very important, because the full paper reading of your article by potential readers will depended of them (especially in electronic searches).

  • Keywords. After the abstract, shall include 3 to 5 key words expressed in English. Could use keywords and terms internationally accepted in the field of education to express concepts and content.
  • Structure of the article.It is recommended that the article covers, at least, the followings aspects: defining the problem or topic being studied, theoretical background, design and methodology, results, discussion of results, conclusions, limitations of the study and, when appropriate, prospective.
  • Sketches, drawings, graphs, tables, equations, etc. Shall be numbered consecutively according to the type (table, graph).
  • References (bibliographic and webgraphic). References (bibliographic and webgraphic). All references are included at the end of the article and the veracity of these quotes is the responsibility of the author(s). Shall be presented in alphabetical order and shall conform to Name-Date model used in our template.



Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines.

Use our The template in preparing the manuscript. Other models will not be accepted.

Download the template clicking beside. The template can be obtained here.


Attention: Accepting articles. We receive continuous flow. The deadline is March 31 for the April edition and September 30 for the October edition of each year.